UCAAT 2015

Program & Presentations

Tuesday 20 October 2015

08:30 Tutorials Registration
09:00 Tutorials Opening
9:00 - 10:30 Model-Based Test Design at Unity
Marek Turski - Unity Technologies ApS

Applying TDL in Practice: A Hands-on Tutorial
Philip Makedonski - University of Göttingen
10:30  - 11:00 Networking Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Model-Based Testing of Large-Scale Enterprise IT Systems
Arnaud Bouzy -Smartesting
 Introduction to TTCN3
Theofanis Vassiliou-Gioles -
12:30 - 14:00 Networking Lunch
13:30 Conference Registration
14:00 - 14:15 Conference opening
Anthony Wiles - ETSI
Bruno Legeard - UCAAT PC Chair
Stephan Schulz - ETSI TC MTS Chair
Session 1 - Telecom, Mobile & Web Services (presentations)
Session Chair: Kristian Karl, Spotify
14:15 - 14:35 Testing Technologies in Finnish 5G Test Network
Teemu Kanstrén - VTT
14:35  - 14:55 Test Systems, Software Systems. Is there a difference?
Kristóf Szabados - Ericsson
14:55  - 15:15 From 3 Stars Rating to 5 Stars in the App Store
Javier Moscardó - Spotify
15: 15 - 15:35 Testing asynchronous Web Service APIs
Heinz N. Gies - Project-FiFo UG
15:35 - 16:00 Poster Introduction
16:00 - 16:30 Networking Coffee Break
Session 2 - Compliance & Safety (presentations)
Session Chair: Theofanis Vassiliou-Gioles, TestingTech
16:30 - 16:50 Fuzz Testing of Web Browsers – Lessons Learned
Renata Hodovan - University of Szeged
16:50 - 17:10 Using MBT to Check Safety of Medical Devices
Natalia Meergus - Sela
17:10 - 17:30 Using TTCN-3 in Avionics to Test Safety-Critical Software
Nader Kesserwan - Esterline CMC Electronics
17:30 - 19:00 Networking Drink

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Registration open: 08:30 - 09:00
9:00 - 9:45
Requirements and Challenges with Advanced Test Automation,
The Industry Perspective

Sigrid Eldh - Ericsson
Session 3 - MBT in Practice (presentations)
Session Chair: Andrej Pietschker, Giesecke & Devrient
9:45 - 10:05 MBT Demystified
Stephan Schulz - Conformiq
10:05 - 10:25 Using Faults for Efficient Model-Based Testing of a Complex Railway Application
Rupert Schlick -Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
10:25 - 10:45 Mastering Functional Complexity with Model-Based Testing Using Business Process Models – a Return on Experience of a 3-Year Validation Program for a Large-Scale IT System
Jérôme Saada - Soprasteria
10:45 - 11:15 Networking Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:35 Using Task Models in Model-Based Testing
Rachid Kherrazi - Nspyre
11:35 - 11:55 Model-Driven Test Automation – Bridging the Gap Between Model-Based Testing and Automated Test Execution
Marc Florian Wendland - Fraunhofer Fokus
11:55 - 12:15 ISTQB Certified Model-Based Tester
Anne Kramer - ISTQB MBT Working Group
12:15 - 13:00 TDL Launch (see TDL demo schedule)
Moderated by Philip Makedonski -University of Göttingen
Miguel Angel Reina Ortega - ETSI CTI
Xavier Zeitoun -CEA
Kanstren Teemu - VTT/MetaCase
Marc-Florian Wendland - Fraunhofer FOKUS
Andrus Lehtmets - Elvior
Gyorgy Rethy - Ericsson Hungary
13:00 - 14:30 Networking Lunch
Session 4 - Test Automation in Practice (presentations)
Session Chair: Luca Compagna, SAP SE France
14:30 - 14:55  A Star Trek journey in the Travel Industry – The use of the Geb/Spock Test Framework by One of the Leading Actors in the Travel Industry
Lisa Persson - Amadeus
14:55 - 15:15 Automation of Car Drive Tests (Car2X) using TTCN-3 and TTworkbench
as a Test Execution and Evaluation Platform

Bogdan Stanca-Kaposta - TestingTech
15:15- 15:35 Automated Testing of a Rating Rule Engine
Caroline Szirt - Ericsson
15:35 - 15:55  What's wrong with Test Automation?
Zoltan Kundra - National Instruments
15:55 - 16:30 Networking Coffee Break
16:30 - 16:50 Testing the Infrastructure that Supports Space Exploration
Eduardo Gomez - ESA
16:50 - 17:10  Ways into Automated Chaos and Out Again - Lessons (re-)learned
Anne Kramer - ISTQB MBT Working Group
17:10 - 17:50 Vendors' track
18:15 Departure Social Event

Thursday 22 October 2015

9:00 - 9:45
Systematic Model and Search-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems
Shaukat Ali - Simula Research Lab
Session 5 - Security (presentations)
Session Chair: Anne Kramer, sepp.med
9:45 - 10:05 Security Threat Identification and Testing for Security Protocols
Luca Compagna - SAP SE France
10:05 - 10:25 Experience Report on Model-Based Testing of Security Components
Elizabeta Fourneret - Institut FEMTO-ST
10:25 - 11:00 Networking Coffee Break
Session 6 - Process Aspects & Performance (presentations)
Session Chair: Szilard Szell, NOKIA Networks
11:00 - 11:20 Amadeus Traffic Replay Framework
Loïc Paquette - Amadeus
11:20 - 11:40 CucumberSpec: a Tool that Improves your Behaviour-Driven Testing
Rachid Kherrazi -Nspyre
11:40 - 12:00 Estimating Performance Characteristics using PBT
Tobias Gedell - QuviQ
12:00 - 13:30 Networking Lunch
Session 7 - Advanced Topics (presentations)
Session Chair: Thomas Arts, QuviQ
13:30 - 13:50 Improving ADAS Validation with MBT
Laurent Raffaelli, All4tech
13:50 - 14:10 Way of Working Transformation to Integrated Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Model-Based Testing (MBT)
Tiina Rantala - Nokia
14:10 - 14:30 Showing QuickCheck Results to Stakeholders
Laura M. Castro  - UDC
14:30 - 14:50 Model Extraction and Test Generation from JUnit Test Suites
Pablo Lamela Seijas - School of Computing, University of Kent
14:50 - 15:20 Networking Coffee Break
Session 8 - Experiences from Applied Research (presentations)
Session Chair: Stephan Schulz, Conformiq
15:20 - 15:40 RTCM: A Natural Language-Based, Automated and Practical Test Case Generation Framework
Tao Yue and Shaukat Ali - Simula
15:40 - 16:00 Can I stop Testing Yet? Test Adequacy Metrics as Feedback for Automated Test Generation
Ramsay Taylor - University of Sheffield - PROWESS Project
16:00 - 16:20 Enhancing Test Models by Incorporating Monitored Usage Information
Steffen Herbold - Institute of Computer Science, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
16:20- 16:45
Best Presentation Award
Conference Closure

Event Pictures