Title of event

    ETSI’s User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT) 2019, now in its seventh year, is an annual and international conference dedicated to application aspects of automated testing including model-based testing, cloud testing, mobile testing, test methodologies, test management and standardized test specification by focusing on the practical challenges that are often faced in industry. This year’s event is organised by Testing Solutions & Services on dd-dd Month 2019, BORDEAUX, (http://www.ucaat.etsi.org).




LOOK AT THE ONLINE AVAILABLE PROGRAMME  (https://ucaat.etsi.org/2019/programme)

Based on the numerous submissions received, the Programme Committee built an interesting programme around tackling testing challenges in the era of AI and DevOps, with keynotes and sessions on :
- AI and MBT testing methodologies applied to several domains 
- Experiences from industrial deployments of test automation
- Best practices in DevOps and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
- Describing and modelling testing domains with open and standard technologies



The UCAAT Team